Sydney`s tallest building, Sydney Tower, gets reflected in 20 level office tower. Walking along the Pitt Street at one time I was stunned by clear and almost full size reflection of Sydney Tower in one of the glass buildings nearby. I observed it for a while moving around and noticing how reflection is changing and disappearing at some spots. After that I started to think about capturing the view noticing when would be the best light and the best time. Sometime later with Tower glowing in yellow light of setting sun and sky deeply blue I took around 27 shots handheld from different places to select just a few for further processing.
For this image I chose 9 shots (3 vertical AEB sets with three -2,0,+2EV photos in each). 3 HDR files came out of those 9 images and finally they were stitched into one big HDR panorama. I then tonemapped it lightly and processed to enhance the contrast, color and few minor things like noise and shadows.